Upson Lee The atre


Upson County hosts a rural populace that had once been long divided between the upper and lower classes and, at one point, segregation.  In 1992, Upson-Lee High was built uniting the entire community under one school. Our slogan has been, “We are UL'' ever since. It is nothing short of a tremendous experience to watch these students embrace our community’s spirit and begin to act as a family.  Our ensemble strives to live up to the legacy of ULHS through the spirit of unity. So as always, "we are UL."


We would like to welcome you to ULHS Knight Theatre! For the sake of getting to know who you will be working with, we would like to introduce ourselves:

Jacob Sapp

is the Theatre Teacher and Director at ULHS. He has been honing his craft since he too was a high school student and then went on to perform during college and for his community. An avid writer and armchair scholar, he shows his students the importance of study and dedication. His goal is to help his students find their voices.

Savannah Sapp

is a sort of assistant director and volunteer for ULHS. She wears many hats from costume/prop design, graphic design, and being the go to emotional support human to the cast and crew. Her experience in the theatre world is recent, but has been a life long creative and, as she says, "always making something."

We are very proud of our students and we want to give them the best. Our program is growing and we have every intention of continuing to help every single one of our students on their journey to who they grow up to be. To our students: We love you and are so proud of the hard work and dedication you put into this program. 

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Vice President

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi

Thespian Society

In order to be inducted to the Georgia Thespian Society, you must earn ten points. For more information on how to earn and keep track of your points see the link here.


ULHS' troupe number is 4286. Toupes are registered by a theatre teacher at school. Once the program begins, the troupe director may change if a new teacher comes along. However, once you are a member you are a member for life. For example:

Mr. Sapp was inducted into Thespian Troupe-6680 in the year 2007.
Mrs. Sapp was inducted into Thespian Troupe-5510 in the year 2011.

Thank you so much to our teachers for encouraging us and working with us on our journeys and for touching the lives of so many others ever day!

Drama Club

Drama club meets during school hours on club days. Come see some of the exciting things we have planned. Note: you do not have to be in a show to be in the club. So if you just have a love for acting, writing, theatre, or the technical stuff come on over!

Drama Boosters

Parents and Guardians if your child is in theatre we would love to get in touch with you. Support for any kid is paramount. Our parents have been wonderful and have really come through for our students. We would love for you all to be able to get together and talk about how to support our kids even further. 

For more information email us at:  jsapp@upson.k12.ga.us
P.S: when show season starts don't forget to ask us about the Remind App code!


Just like sports or music, or any talent development, theatre can be expensive. Often to pay for the rights to simply perform a play and get the scripts can cost over $2000. (Yes, that is three zeros.) To top it off, there are the materials for set design and costumes to make. Theatre is so much more than acting and fun; there is work and time put into polishing everything up to create gold from cardboard. We do our best to budget but we often rely on doughnut sales and spirit nights to help us fund the shows. If you have any old furniture or clothing items you no longer need, we would love to take them and give them new life on the stage. Moreover, if you have any fund raiser ideas we would love to hear more suggestions. Stay posted for some events we are in the process of working on for the future. There may be some fun events or sweet treats coming your way!
