is a sort of assistant director and volunteer for ULHS. She wears many hats from costume/prop design, graphic design, and being the go to emotional support human to the cast and crew. Her experience in the theatre world is recent, but has been a life long creative and, as she says, "always making something."
In order to be inducted to the Georgia Thespian Society, you must earn ten points. For more information on how to earn and keep track of your points see the link here.
Drama club meets during school hours on club days. Come see some of the exciting things we have planned. Note: you do not have to be in a show to be in the club. So if you just have a love for acting, writing, theatre, or the technical stuff come on over!
Parents and Guardians if your child is in theatre we would love to get in touch with you. Support for any kid is paramount. Our parents have been wonderful and have really come through for our students. We would love for you all to be able to get together and talk about how to support our kids even further.
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